
Showing posts from March, 2020

How to stop hen from Breaking her own eggs?

This is one concern of a hobbist that if a hen some how breaks an eggs and drinks it she gets habitual of doing that and it becomes hard to stop her.There are few methods that have worked for me.I am going to list them here Lets hope what works for you. 1) in the nesting area place alot of nesting material such as straw or hay.Trim the tip of the hen so that it will not crack the egg 2) place the nest in an area where the hen feels isolated during laying 3) Dummy eggs are very useful in this. place fake eggs in the nest the hen will keep on pecking it and it will eventually loose interest once it will not break it.It will also stop eating her own eggs as well. 4) Dummy eggs also encourage hens to lay at the desired spot of yours. 5) give alot of calcium to your hens so that they lay hard shell eggs

Pictures of medicines for Asils i use

Here i am posting pictures of the medicines that i use for my hens.If you are from Pakistan and wish to acquire these you may visit my store  Or you may send me insta message @ fa_airman777 to place your order.

How to make your Asil/Hen to properly brood eggs

Alot of new fancier worry about their first time laying pullet or even breeder hen is not going to brood eggs and have wasted whole clutch.This is normal for a young first timer hen.There are several reasons to it. if your are having a setup where there are older hens with chicks normally first time layers go broody when they hear the chicks sound.But you need to keep one point in mind that you cannot simple make a hen go broody.This is a natural instinct and the hen mostly goes to brood by herself.Another question is that sometime the hen gets broody sits on eggs for few days and then abandon the eggs.I shall provide you some tips in order to properly make you hen go broody and incubate eggs. 1) If your hen does not go broody for the first time, It will start laying again soon.It is better to have an incubator or place the eggs under another hen. 2) Your hen will sit at the same place where she lays eggs, so put dummy eggs underneath her,leave it there for 3-4 days then replace t

Asil/Aseel hen not laying or has stopped laying

A common issue among many breeders is that their hens have stopped laying or not laying,There are several reasons to that.Usually young and good breed pullets in Asils start their first laying around 9-10 months of age.For the older breeder hens that may stop laying due to excessive breed and their body does not contain enough calcium to produce eggs. There is a method through which your any hen can start laying within days. 1) give your hen evion 600 one capsule daily in the mid day 2) before closing them in  the cage at night give them one capsule for pure and original fish oil capsules. do this for a week and see the results. you may also give this to your rooster, he shall be extremely in heat, his body will turn red and you shall see flash like energy in your bird.

Common Medicines for Asils you should always have

As a pet owner and especially of Asils, you must have your first aid box ready anytime.In this article I shall provide you the list of effective medicines that will help you anytime you see a lazy bird in your flock. 1) Enrofloxacin ( all sorts of respiratory diseases) 2) Oxidil injection ( very effective cures cold,fever and lethargy in birds, green poop) 3) Dispirine,paracetamol or Ibruphen syrup for fever 4) cough syrup 5) tylosin 6) flygl (for motions) 7) methycobol,neurobion injections 8) penicilin 9) ethyromycin

Asil/Aseel weak legs treatement.

A common issue among asil/Aseel chicks is that once they reach at the age of 2-3 months and gain weight their legs become weak and unable to bear the weight of the body due to which it becomes hard for them to move around.There are several causes of that but the main ones are the genes of the parents becoming weak.For that you must take well care of your breeder pair provide alot of calcium,protein and enengy solutions and vitamins.In order to solve the issue of weak legs Do the following 1) Add neurobion injection+Methycobolamin and inject 1cc in chest After 3 days inject 1 cc half half in both thighs.repeat this after a week and your bird shall gain strength again.

Feeding Asil/Aseel Chicks for growth

Once the chicks hatch feeding them proper diet is very important.Normaly alot of people enquire about feeding the chicks for healthy and quick growth. In order to get the quick growth with quality feathers  give these three feeds. 1) normal basic chick feed ( 4 no in Pakistan) add budgies seed mix in it.Give this feed till 10 days. 2) after 10th add pigeon seed mix (dal dana) made up of lentils,wheat, and black chick peas in feed mentionned in point 1.  3) due to this feed 3 of my asil roostee were crowing at the age of 4 months and were looking for a mate as well. 4) give your birds green food as well, boiled eggs twice a week and giving them boiled chicken liver is a great source of protein as well 

Asil/Aseel Rattling sound?

A common issue found in Asil and hens is the rattling sound from the upper respiratory tract.This can occur due to dusty feed, change in weather, drinking chilled water or an infection.Sore throat is also very common is aseels. The treatment is simple.I usually do the following and these methods have worked: 1) give luke warm water to drink 2)Add tylosin in water +ehthromycin 3) give herbal tea 4) If the aseel has running cough then give a cough syrup. 5) use Penicilin 1000000 IU very effective injection for upper respirator diseases. 6) on the nostrils of the asil apply vicks for easy breathing. Do not give these all treatment at once any of these will work.